Friday, June 29, 2012

We're Coming Home

Day 79 – Friday, June 29th
We celebrated another birthday today at a Spanish restaurant near the Andino mall in Bogota. I had lunch with family and friends and it was a chance to start our goodbyes. I can already tell the next few days are going to be tough. I have connected with my family here and it’s always hard to say goodbye. I have to keep thinking that we will be back in a few years as I am planning to have a family reunion in Santa Marta, Colombia in June of 2014.

The next few days will fly by as we prepare for our trip home. We will be leaving Colombia on July 1st and getting into Minneapolis at 10:30am on Monday morning.  My total length of stay in Colombia was 81 days. Eighty-one! I will be leaving in July… and I’ve been here since mid-April… It’s time to go home!  I’m packing things up, saying our last good-byes during the next few days, then heading off to the airport. Good-bye Colombia. See you in 2014.

Adoption is a very beautiful thing, but the “process” of adoption has been very trying at times. It is much like the ups and downs of fertility treatment. Over the past two and a half years, my life has been taken over by this process. Every decision I made was based on the process of adoption. It has caused much stress – both positive and negative. Luckily, I have learned to deal with that stress (with some days better than others) and we are finally closing in on the end of the process.

As I reflect on this life experience, I realize how truly blessed I am in so many ways. I have been blessed with the opportunity to go through this challenging process. I have been blessed to have so much support from my family and friends – both in Colombia and in the U.S. And most importantly, I have been blessed with the most beautiful, precious, sweet baby girl – my little angel, Sofia Nicole.

Now it’s time to move forward; moving on as a complete and loving family of four. Perry, Evan and Sofia- I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you all very much!

We will be arriving home on day 82 – Monday, July 2nd

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, Nicole, I totally missed that you were coming home. Summer has kept me so busy! I hope the transition home went well for you and Sophia, and that as a family of four you are finding your new "normal".


