Thursday, June 14, 2012

Into Week 10

Week 10
Day 64  -  Thursday,  June 14th-  We’re heading into week 10 in country and no Sentencia to date.

The weather here has been so dreary. We were offered to stay at one of my mom’s cousin’s fincas in Anapoima (a pueblo that is about 2 hours away in the mountains where the temperature and climate are a lot better than Bogota – with lots of sun and warmth.)  That’s exactly what we need! This weekend is another holiday weekend, so we planned to go up with Maria Claudia, Juaquin, Beatriz, my mom, Sofia and I. They will pick us up early on Saturday and we will come back early on Monday. Just a quick get-away, but I’m looking forward to a change in climate (and a bit of a distraction from waiting for the phone call stating that we have Sentencia). 

I haven’t given up… every day that passes, we are a bit closer to Sentencia. I just NEVER expected to be here this long.  Perhaps the call will come tomorrow.

Ms. Sofia is doing well. She is now eating cereal, baby food: apple, mango, banana, pear, and carrot (super messy).  She is still sleeping beautifully during the night, but her daytime naps have been getting shorter and shorter. A month ago I could say that she NEVER cries, but now, that’s not the case. She found her voice and now, not only does she cry when she’s hungry or tired, but she SCREAMS for no reason at all. When you look at her after she screams, she smiles. It’s a crazy game that she plays and she thinks it’s hilarious. I’m just hoping she doesn’t play that game when we’re on the airplane on our long international flight home (whenever that will be).

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