Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 65 - The good and the bad

Day 65  -  Friday,  June 15th-
It was a nice day today. I woke up this morning and went to another Zumba class while my mom took care of Ms. Sofia. The Zumba instructor happens to be a master trainer for Zumba and she told me she was going to be in Chicago soon for a Zumba training. (Count me in!!!)  Afterwards, I walked around the mall to find a baby swimsuit (like the one that I just bought that came in the mail at home a few weeks ago – thinking we would be home before we had a chance to use a swimsuit. Oh well…so now she’ll have 2). We have been invited to stay at my mom's cousin's finca for the weekend. We are going with my cousin Maria Claudia's family (Juaquin, Pablo & Sofia) and my aunt Beatriz. It should be a good get-away and a little distraction from waiting for the call.

I called Maria Teresa to tell her that I was going to Anapoima for the weekend. She told me that the courthouse was closed today too so nothing happened. So get this... last Monday was a holiday- courthouse closed, Tuesday and Wednesday there was a protest in front of the courthouse - again closed. Thurday it was open (imagine that!) and today, not sure why, but she said it was closed again and they were not letting anyone in today. Wow! A one-day work week. (I wish I could work at the Colombian courthouse… not only for the limited  number of actual work days, but more so, I would like to go in and introduce them to a computer!) Hopefully I'll be able to come home by fall when people start working again for real. Someone told me today that they think the duration of my stay is a record for my agency.  It’s really not supposed to take this long. I just happened to run into a few more hurdles than normal.

My original contact, Cecilia, comes back from her long vacation this weekend, so hopefully things will move a little faster starting on Tuesday. So all I can do is, enjoy this weekend and wait for the call to come next week. If I don't get the call next week, I might just have to stand outside the courthouse and have my own little protest! 

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