Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 59 - Another Zumba Day

Day 59 – Saturday, June 9th
I decided to go to another Zumba class today. I asked my mom to watch Sofia and she mentioned that my aunt Elvira was going to pick her up and they could take Sofia and meet me at the mall (Hacienda Santa Barbara).  I got ready and left at 10:15am to get to the 11:00a class in time. It is only 5 miles away, but the traffic is horrible here – especially on Saturdays.  There are so many cars in Bogota that they have what is called pico y placa. If your license plate ends in a certain number, you can only drive on certain days. On the day that a person can’t drive their car, they have to rely on others, public transportation, or taxis. There is no pico y placa on Saturdays, so ALL cars are allowed on the streets. And that’s exactly what it seems like – like EVERYONE is on the road at once.  So I was finally able to hail a taxi at about 10:30 and was off to Zumba class. Unfortunately, my taxi driver wasn’t familiar with the mall or the area, so when we got there, he took a wrong turn and we ended up going way out of the way. With the wrong turn and terrible traffic, I was afraid I would miss the start of the class. But once I got there, I realized the class had just started, so I jumped in. It was a good class. After class I walked around the mall and eventually met up with my mom, Sofia and my aunt at about 1:00p. We walked around the mall, as well as a very nice neighborhood that is just outside of the mall. We were there until 5:00p. By that time, I was ready for a nap with Sofia. We came home and did just that!

By the way, I started taking the homeopathic remedy for my cough yesterday, and I can already notice a difference. I’ll continue with it and report on it later.

Today I am thinking of Perry and Evan a lot. They are heading up to northern Minnesota for our yearly stay at a cabin on Lake Superior with the in-laws. This was a trip I had been looking forward to for quite some time – especially as it would be Sofia’s first trip Up North where she would have time to bond with our family. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the way I had hoped and imagined.  At least I know that Perry and Evan are having fun, relaxing, having campfires on the rocks, and eating S’mores.  And we are here in Colombia with my family; healthy and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Way cool that you are getting to speak so much Spanish. I keep thinking how fortunate that you are with family there, so very special! Hang in there!
