Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 61- Colombian Holiday (but not sure what we're celebrating)

Day  61 – Monday,  June 11th- Today is another Colombian Holiday where most everything is closed; So there is a zero percent chance I will be getting the call today. My hope is that the Defender of Minors had a nice long weekend and will be able to sign our paperwork first thing on Tuesday so we can finally get our Sentencia.  (wishful thinking)

So I wait. In the meantime, I will enjoy playing with Sofia and sharing “raspberries” (the noise, not the fruit). I will continue to take my super flower remedies for my cough and to relax. I will enjoy a glass of wine during Sofia’s nap every now and then. I will practice improving my Spanish. I will continue to exercise daily – if not out and about, then in home. I will enjoy and cherish all the moments I am here – because my time here in Bogota will come to an end eventually.  And although this process has taken its toll on me, I do love many, many things about Colombia.

Today I was at my Aunt Beatriz’s house and we went for a walk after lunch. As soon as we stepped outside we saw the most beautiful rainbow against the mountainside. It looked like it was so close and each band of color was so thick. That was definitely an AHHH moment! (And of course, my camera was out of batteries. L )

1 comment:

  1. Hugs and kisses to you, baby Sofia, your mamma and all our primos, tias and tios! We miss you. I love reading your blog. You are doing such a great job living in the moment and enjoying. Elias says a special prayer for his 'new baby cousin Sofia' to come home soon every night. XO, Robin
