Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 60 - Finca

Day 60 – Sunday, June 10th – 60 days. 60 days I’ve been in Colombia with no word on when I can bring my little one home. All the other adoptive families that I have met have come and gone already, so I know my time is near. I can feel it!!!

We were invited to go to my aunt’s finca/cabin in the mountains for the day. It is only about an hour away close to a town called Subachoque (that’s my best guess on the spelling). Tia Elvira and Fernando picked us up and off we went. The drive is beautiful.  I came to this area once before on this trip when we celebrated Mother’s Day at Tia Rachel and Peretz’s finca. How nice to have a place to get away from the city that is so close, with such great views. I could actually see the center of Bogota, way in the distance, from Tia Maria Teresa and Oswaldo’s finca. We pulled up and I was amazed at the beautiful view. It is breathtaking!  When we arrived, my cousin Nicolas and his wife Natalia were already there. We sat outside, had some appetizers,  and I even had a couple shots of Aquardiente. (It’s a pretty strong, but smooth drink that I think tastes like black licorice.)  After a while of being outside, it started to rain, so we moved the party inside. Sofia was so playful with everyone – smiling, sticking her tongue out and letting out “raspberries” (the noise you make when you stick out your tongue and blow), and making her new faces – where she puckers her lips to make an “O”, and when she smiles she learned how to wrinkle her nose. SOOOO CUTE!!!!  We had a delicious lunch and hung out while the men were in the other room watching the Colombian Soccer team play poorly. We ended up leaving at ½ time to head back to Bogota. That was a pretty good decision since almost everyone watches the game, there was almost no traffic. (That’s usually unheard of in Bogota – except when there is a Colombia Soccer game on.) It only took us 45 minutes to get back to Efrain’s house. We had a nice time and I am glad we were able to spend another day with our family.

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