Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 70 & We Got the Call !!!!

Day 70  -   Wednesday, June 20th-  I can’t believe it has been 70 days in country waiting to complete the adoption process. (I was told 6-8 weeks, and also told that it would probably be faster since I have Colombian heritage. With all the hurdles I’ve run into, that’s not my case!) I spoke with Perry last night and I have decided to take his advice; To ask my mom to watch Sofia and do something that will take my mind off of “the call”.  So yes. I woke up and decided that I wasn't going to sit around and wait for the phone. I asked my mom to watch Sofia and I looked online to find a Zumba class. There was one that is not too far from here and decided to walk to class. The email said class was at 9 a 10:30 (from 9-10:30) - but I read it as 9:00 and 10:30. I left at 9:30 thinking that it would take me a while to walk there and find it. I got there at a little before 10:00 and the lady at the desk told me it started at 9:30 and goes until 10:30. There is no class at 10:30. She let me go into the last 30 minutes of the class. As I was in the building, I got a call from my contact so I had to step out to take the call. She said she is sorry that I am still here and can't believe it. She said that she is waiting for her secretary to come to update her on everything and is going to call the lawyer herself to see what's going on. She also mentioned that the government adoption agency Bienestar Familiar is going to be at Los Pisingos today and she won't have any news until after 2:00 and she will call me back later.

After class I walked further to an Exito and grabbed a few essential. I also got yarn and a crochet' needle to start making something. I decided that there is no reason to be bored. I just have to look for things to do to keep my mind off the waiting.

I walked back to Efrain’s house and got there at about 12:30. My mom and I decided to make lunch at home and just while we were eating, my cousin Maria Claudia called to ask if I wanted to go to a movie. We decided to go to a movie that is a ways away. We got there just before the movie started. We chose to see “A Boy on his Bicycle” which won awards at the Cannes Festival. We sat down and as soon as the movie started, we looked at each other and laughed. The movie happened to be in French with Spanish subtitles. (Just like the other movie we chose to go to a few weeks back.) It was a good movie, but really harsh. After the movie we walked down the street and stopped at Crepes & Waffles to get an ice cream. (I usually don’t care much for ice cream, but they have awesome ice cream there!)

While we were sitting at the table, my phone rang. It was Cecilia. She called stating that she had great news. She said, “I guess they were just waiting for me to return”. I didn’t know if she was joking or not. If she was joking, it was a joke in poor taste (since I have been agonizing over the expected call), and if she was not joking, that’s not very nice of them knowing a family has been here this long and without consideration of the need to be home.  So our appointment is at 2:00. She will send for a driver to come pick me up at 1:00.  I am to bring my passport, photos of Sofia (for passport & Visa), any and all paperwork (just in case we need it), and me. Sofia will need to stay with my mom as she is not allowed in the courthouse. Believe it or not, I’ve had all that ready to go for the past several weeks. It’s all ready to grab and go.

Can’t wait until tomorrow. J

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