Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 54

Day 54 – Monday, June 4th

I talked to my contact today. I told her I was expecting her call and she told me that she didn't forget about me. She said that she called again to find out about our case and no one is returning her call; So no news. I told her that I am frustrated that I have been here 8 weeks and still waiting for Sentencia. She said that there is nothing we can do to speed it up and just to be patient. I asked her when our court date was and she said that's what she was going to ask the lawyer, but they haven't called her back. I told her it's taken MUCH more than 10 working days for the judge to sign, and she said "Well, it's hard to count those 10 working days because of all the holidays and having to send the papers back to the orphanage due to an expired date on their certificate." (Now that made me MAD because she told me earlier that that did not affect our case.) I just have to be as patient as I can be, drink a few glasses of wine, take my magic potion, and WAIT.

So I'll keep hoping that the call comes, but I'm going to just let it go and enjoy the rest of my time here. I write that half-heartedly, because although I love Colombia and being with my family here...I'm more than ready to come home.  

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating...hang in there Nicole!

    PS - I giggled at your Zumba comments last post. I wonder how similar/different their Zumba is from ours?
