Friday, June 8, 2012

Re-addicted to Zumba; Day 58

Day 58 – Friday, June 8th – OK… so I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will be here for quite a while longer. So I woke up today and decided that I was going to make better use of the time I have here in Colombia, rather than just sitting by my phone and waiting for the call to come. I found a Zumba class that was starting at 10:30am today and I decided to go. I asked my mom to watch Sofia and of course she accepted. I put on some workout clothes and hailed a taxi to take me to Hacienda Santa Barbara which is about 5 miles and a $3.00 taxi ride away from Efrain’s house. I wasn’t sure where the studio was, but I found it across from the movie theater (Cine Colombia). I arrived early to fill out the paperwork and pay for the class. It was 12,000 pesos (about $6.00) for the class. They asked me if I want to buy a punch card for 10 classes for 100,000 pesos (about $50/ $5 per class) but I chose not to since I’m not sure how long I will be here. The studio is TINY; An oblong room with a platform in the middle for the instructor to teach. There were about 10 people in the class. I introduced myself to the instructor and was talking to 2 of the students before the class. It was great taking a Latin-style fitness class in Colombia! I thought I would move very “gringo”-like compared to the others in class, but I did very well fitting in and caught on to everything quickly. I also thought that it would be much harder to do the class at this altitude, but I guess all the walking here has paid off. I didn’t have any difficulty keeping up. It was an AWESOME ZUMBA class! I am now re-addicted to Zumba and plan to get recertified to teach it once I get home.

After the class, I took a taxi back home. As usual, my cough was pretty bad after I took the class due to my exercise-induced asthma.  Lately, my inhaler has not been enough to tame my cough here in Colombia, so I decided to look into homeopathy. My mom found a place that is close by that we can drop in at any time.  I decided that today is the day that I am going to take the next step to get rid of my cough, because it’s not only annoying for me, but everyone around me.  At about 1:00pm, I went for a walk down the street with my mom, Sofia and my aunt Maria Teresa. We went to lunch at a pizza place and Sofia was smiling at the waitress every time she was at our table, and when she wasn’t, Sofia was looking around for her. Sofia definitely gets attention wherever we go!  After lunch we stopped at the homeopathy place and I bought a remedy that will supposedly get rid of my cough. I am to take 1 small teaspoon of a liquid that tastes like honey every 3 hours. So far I have taken it 4 times and it seems like it might be working. I will continue with it and hopefully be cough-free by the time I get home.

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