Sunday, June 17, 2012

Enjoying the Good Life

Day 66  -  Saturday,  June 16th-  Our vacation starts…NOW! J Yahoo… we’re heading to Anapoima. Maria Claudia picked us up early so we could get to the finca before lunch. The trip is not too far, but the climate is totally different from Bogota. It’s warm and sunny all day. (Exactly what we need.) If you looked on a map, you would see that Anapoima is not that far from Bogota. It looks like it would be about 45 minutes away or so, but with the mountainside roads, it takes more like 2 hours or more to get here. We also stopped a few times on the way, but we got here in good time. The weather is perfect and the finca is gorgeous!!! There are seven of us here. My mom, Sofia and I are sharing the big bedroom on the second level. It has its own bathroom and a rooftop deck that overlooks the mountains and the beautiful pool in the back.  The 3 other rooms on the main level all have adjoining bathrooms as well, so everyone is comfortable in their rooms. The caretakers live in a smaller house on the property and have been taking good care of us. (Angela is a great cook!) At times I feel uncomfortable having them do things for me that I am capable of doing myself, but I have been told to let go of that feeling. So I name today’s entry as “Enjoying the Good Life!” (‘cuz once I get back, I know it won’t be like this. Although it would be nice to have a house cleaner/maid every once in a while in Minnesota – yea, I know… but a girl can dream. J )

Day 67  -  Sunday,  June 17th- Father’s  Day-
Anapoima is awesome!!! It is a delight to be here. It truly feels like a 3-day vacation and that's exactly what it is. We are still here and plan to leave tomorrow afternoon to head back to Bogota. Yesterday and today Sofia had a lot of firsts; She went swimming for the first time, she hung out in a hammock, she drank sweet lemonade, ate a little saltine cracker, tried a mandarin orange, and has been "talking" all day. It's quite fitting that on Father's Day, what she keeps repeating sounds very much like "Hi dada". (Everyone here can attest to that and I have proof on video - unfortunately I don't have the cord to be able to upload it to Facebook.) We've had a great time so far and I'm looking forward to a little more sun tomorrow before we head back to the Bogota weather.

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