Monday, May 28, 2012

Days 45-47...

Day 45 – Saturday, May 26th – Today I am thankful for my mom. She has been here with me for the last 6 weeks and I am so thankful for her presence. She has helped me through some tough times of missing Evan & Perry, and is there for me when she knows I need to take a mental break from what I now call “The Process”. Today was no exception.

Just before lunchtime, my mom, Sofia and I hailed a taxi to take us to my aunt Beatriz’s house for another lunch. We were there with my aunt Maria Teresa and my cousin Maria Claudia. After another delicious lunch, my other cousin Dayana came by to pick us up to go out on the town. My mom and her sisters babysat Sofia while the cousins went out. We went to Usaquen to walk around. We were too full after lunch to have anything to eat or drink, so we walked around a mall, went to an art gallery, Maria Claudia and I went into a beautiful church to say a quick prayer, and we finished our “cousin date” at a cool, little theater where they show artsy movies and you can eat or drink while watching the show. We each asked for tea and watched a really good movie – the only thing was that it was a French movie with Spanish subtitles. Although the subtitles flashed faster than I could read most of them, I understood the movie and thought it was great. After the movie, we headed back to pick up my mom and Sofia and head home.

Another great day in Colombia as I wait through the weekend and hope to get the call next week.

Day 46 – Sunday, May 27th – I’m not expecting a call today since it is Sunday, so I’m just enjoying the day. Today my mom’s cousin, Edgar (Efrain’s son) picked us up to bring us to lunch at a mall that is close to their house. We ate at Crepes & Waffles with Edgar, Patricia and the 3 boys. After lunch, we went to Edgar’s house to relax, converse and catch up. We had a nice day!

Day 47 – Monday, May 28th – 
Memorial Day – Special thoughts & prayers go out to the men and women that serve and have served our country. God bless the U.S.

I had a hunch that I would get the much awaited call today, but rather than sit around and wait for it, I decided to have a”ME” day (with the help of my mom, of course).  In the morning I went for a long walk and ended up at a huge bookstore called Panamerican.  It was a huge store, but unfortunately only had one small shelf full of books in English. I looked through the options, and unfortunately there were only a few fiction novels that I wasn’t too interested in, and the other options were all “how to succeed in business” books. Those books once inspired me, but not at this point… So I thought about reading a book in Spanish, but was quickly reminded of the past few nights, not being able to sleep because every thought I had, I was subconsciously translating into Spanish.  I’ve been waking up very tired, and reading a Spanish book probably wouldn’t help that cause.  So I left bookless and decided to make my way back home.  When I got home I found Sofia sitting up and smiling at me as I walked through the door.  Today is the first day since we got here that we actually made our lunch and ate it at home. We made spaghetti – to keep it simple J.  After lunch my mom and Sofia and I walked over to a local Peluqueria/hair salon and I decided to get my hair colored, highlights, cut and styled. My mom took Sofia back to the house while I enjoyed my SPA day. The guys that work there are very nice. I ended up being there for over 3 hours, but the conversations, people watching, and TV made the time fly. (I remembered what I have been missing without having a TV for the past month.) It was truly a delight!

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