Friday, May 25, 2012

...And We Wait...

Day 44 – Friday, May 25th – There’s nothing I can do to speed up the process of our adoption, and even though I am ready to go home, I have decided that I have to let go and just “desfrutar”/enjoy the rest of my time in Colombia. I have accepted the fact that we will not be able to come home on the 31st.  Early next week I will contact our travel agent to cancel our tickets for the 31st, and we can re-book once we know when we can fly home.

Today, Sofia was an angel for most of the day. She has been crying a little more the past few days, but with reason. Not only are her two bottom teeth showing under her gums, but she has 3 points of a tooth that have pierced through her gums on the bottom left side of her mouth. It’s incredible how the back tooth pierced through the gums before the front teeth. Poor baby! Now that’s a reason to cry! Even a baby that doesn’t cry much would cry at that pain.

Other than the occasional cry, Sofia was great today. She was watching a soccer game with her Tio Abuelo Oswaldo after we had lunch. I was thinking that her first word might be “GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL”. But in actuality, she got a little scared when Barcelona got a goal. So that was it for watching “futbol”.

As for the adoption process… I did not get the call. So we wait until next week and hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. I keep checking in to see how things are progressing. Your blogging is fabulous. Can't wait to hear the great news that you are headed home. I think it is so cool that you have family there!
