Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still here at 41 days with no news of our return

Day 38 – Saturday, May 19th – Not much going on today. I’m anxious to come home so I am running errands to get ready. I’m heading to Exito (which is like a Super Target). My mom and Elvira watched Sofia while I walked and ran errands for 3 ½ hours in and out of the rain.

Day 39 – Sunday, May 20th – Sofia and I ventured out to our old stomping grounds at the Zuetana hotel to meet up with a friend of mine from Minnesota that is also adopting. They are almost done and should be able to leave by the end of this week.  I am so happy for them. 

There was rumor that we would get our Sentencia right after the other Minnesota family, but I’m still waiting for the call.  There was also word that there might be another delay for us due to agency paperwork, but my contact called me and made no mention of that. She simply stated that it should be soon.

I’m hoping soon means VERY soon…. it gets dark so early here at this time of year…  I read my books, there is only one channel on this TV that works (sometimes)  but there is nothing on, my Xfinity movies on demand only works within the US, I’m caught up on checking emails, I feel like I’m up-to-date on Facebook, I’m getting bored of looking at Pinterest… what else is there? Sleep… but then I can’t sleep at night. I am anxious to come home to be a family with Perry & Evan. I miss them so much it hurts!!!

Day 40 – Monday, May 21st – Today is my big brother’s birthday! I, of course, posted a message for him on facebook and started the day. Unfortunately, I know I won’t be getting the call for Sentencia today because it is a holiday in Colombia. My mom went to a funeral today with her sister. I invited Efrain to go somewhere for lunch. We ended up putting Sofia in her stroller and went for a 2 hour walk with a stop for lunch in between. The sun is finally out and the weather has been better – less rainy at least. It still gets colder after 3:00ish and is dark by 6:00pm. I feel a little cooped up at night, but I am hopeful it won’t be much longer until I can enjoy the beautiful Minnesota spring weather and the sun.

Sofia started sitting on her own without falling over. She has grown so much in the past 40 days. We are so blessed and can’t for her to officially become a Swanson.

Day 41 – Tuesday, May 22nd – Had lunch at Tia Rachel & Peretz’s apartment. Sofia hasn’t cried much in the past 40 days, until today. She has been uncomfortable all day. She cries a little and as soon as you pick her up, she smiles but then starts crying again. After feeding her, changing her diaper, and holding her, I realized that it is probably her teeth that are bothering her since she started puckering her lower lip so it looks like an elderly person without their dentures. Ahhh yesss…. The teething has begun. I tried Ambisol and it seemed to have helped a little.  Teething and tired, my little princess fell asleep at 6:45pm and seems like she will be down for the night.  If not, I’m here for her.

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