Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heading into week 6

6th Week-
Day 36 – Thursday, May 17th-  As I’m heading into my 6th week in Colombia, I’m anxious to get the call for our Sentencia…  I’m hoping it will come soon. It didn’t come today, so hopefully tomorrow!

I spent most of the day in the house, so by 4:30pm I was itching to go for a nice long walk with Sofia. We walked for about an hour and a half and when I returned I got an earful from Efrain about how cold it gets here after 5:00pm. (It’s definitely not cold by our Minnesota standards, but it is a different kind of humid cold that can get a person sick.) Fortunately, I’ve heard this many times before, so I dressed warm, dressed Sofia appropriately and had a super warm blanket on her. It was a nice walk and good to get out.

(We are currently in Colombia's "wet winter" months. Although it is not anything like our Minnesota winter, it's not the hot and beautiful weather that I remember from all of my previous trips to Colombia. Apparently the "winter" goes From March to May and comes again September to November. The other months are the dry season where the weather is warmer, even in Bogota’s high altitude.) 

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