Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our day out

Day 28 – Wednesday, May 9th – Today we ran errands. We had an appointment at 12:30, but as we were in the taxi at 12:25, I received a call that our appointment was cancelled for today.  (That’s how things go here, and I know that, so it wasn’t a big deal.)  So we were dropped off on 106 & 19 and decided to have lunch with my mom at Carbon de Palo (absolutely one of the best restaurants for meat and typical Colombian foods.) Sofia was in her stroller and was such an angel while we ate lunch. There was a trio playing live music and I think Sofia enjoyed that as much as we did. After lunch we went next door to my favorite store, Maku, which I have mentioned before. It’s a big, 3-level store that sells things that are typical of Colombia. The girls that work there know me already. Again, I bought some additional gifts and have no idea how they are going to fit in my suitcase to come home.  Note: If you go to Maku, make sure to go to the back of the store. You can go out the door and there is a little garden with a water feature and a place to get a complimentary “tinto” or coffee. While we were sitting in the back we noticed some dark clouds coming in. We paid for our purchases and were off to pick up our family photos from the photo studio that is nearby. A few weeks back we decided to get our family photos taken at Ba-Boa-Ba Photo Studio that is on 107 & 19. The owner and photographer, Yoko, did such a great job and is sooooo nice.  Although it’s a little expensive, if you’re in the area, I highly recommend her! And what a great way to record this special time in Colombia.  We had also planned to stop by Zuetana hotel to visit my new friends, but just when we were leaving the photo studio, it started to rain. So we jumped into a taxi and headed back to Efrain’s house.

As for the adoption process, our case has been approved through the courts and we are now waiting for signatures. At this point it seems like it could take the full 7-8 weeks before we will be able to come home.  So far, I have been here for 4 weeks already. I have seen most of my relatives and am having a great time, but I am starting to get anxious to come home.  ...but for now, all we can do is wait.

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