Thursday, April 5, 2012

We got the call!!!!

Great news... after such a long wait, we finally got the call from our agency stating that we need to be in Colombia on April 12th at 10:00am. WOW! Time to put the pedal to the medal!  In just two days, we were able to secure our flights and get most of our accomodations figured out.  We thought there may be some difficulty with planning our flights right after Easter, but it turns out the only thing that was affected by the Easter Holiday was that the Colombian Consulate in Chicago was closed at the end of this week. Luckily, we were able to get a flight to Colombia on Wednesday so Perry will still have time to fly into Chicago on Monday to secure his Visitor Visa and return home the same day.  Once we have that, we just need to get on the plane on Wednesday morning in anticipation of being united with Sofia soon. We are all so very excited and still have so much to do to prepare for our trip.

Thank you to all of you that have wished us well on our journey. A special thanks goes out to the other adoptive families with whom we've been in contact. Your tips and information have been invaluable.

Y para toda mi familia en Colombia - estoy feliz de poder verte muy pronto. :)


  1. That is wonderful! I am so happy for you, and can't wait until you have your special little one in your arms! Best wishes for safe travel and a smooth transition for everyone.
    Nancy Mc

    1. Thanks Nancy. It's so nice to have support of others that have gone through this process. No one can imagine what the waiting and anticipation is like unless you've been through it. We are all so blessed!

  2. Oh, Nicole! I do wish for another update. I'm sure you are super busy, but PLEASE, send us more pictures and let us know how you're doing. Thinking of you LOTS!! Mich

    1. It took a while to get up and running, but I'm there now. More pictures and updates will be coming your way! :) Love you and miss you!
